10 foods I'd eat on repeat if I had to lose 100 pounds again

Hi, Cleanish Squad!

Listen to the audio version of this email here.

So much about weight loss and dieting is about what you CAN’T have that it can make you feel like you have to give up everything you love to lose weight.

But that's not the truth.

When I tried dieting that way, I failed.

Instead, I want to flip that around and focus on 10 foods you should eat every single day. These are foods I included daily to lose weight and are part of what made me so happy to enjoy my healthy lifestyle.

Here's the list:

🥬 Dark Leafy Greens

🥚 Eggs/Egg Whites

🍓 Berries and Fruits

🥑 Avocado

🥛 Full Fat Dairy (Greek Yogurt +

Cottage Cheese)

🫘 Beans

🥩 Lean Proteins (Lean Beef, Chicken,

Protein Powder and Fish)

🥔 Potatoes

🥣 Oats

🍕 Pizza

So, what’s so special about these?

They all have a high nutritional value, meaning they either contain a high amount of protein, fiber, nutrients, or a combination of all three.

Benefits of High Protein

Benefits of High Fiber

  • Keeps you feeling full
  • Lowers cravings by regulating blood sugar
  • Improves digestion ‌
  • Watch my video on the Top 21 High-Fiber Foods

Benefits of High Nutrients

  • Helps your body run more efficiently
  • Helps your body produce and regulate hormones

All the foods on this list benefit weight loss (yes, even full-fat dairy and pizza!), and were in my diet every day to help me lose my weight.

But the most important reason these foods are on this list?

I enjoy them.

If you don’t eat foods you enjoy, you’ll struggle to be consistent, and you won’t succeed at weight loss. The trick to weight loss is finding a “diet” you can enjoy forever so it actually becomes a lifestyle and isn’t a chore.

That's the secret to staying consistent.

That’s also why I added pizza to this list—my lifestyle needs to include pizza (or cookies or ice cream, depending on my mood) for me to be happy and for it to be sustainable.

What are your top 10 foods?

You can share on Instagram or forward this email to them.

If someone forwarded this email to you, make sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter here to become part of the Cleanish Squad. I’ll send you weekly updates, weight loss and health tips, and recipes.

When you buy any Cleanish Plant-Based Protein Powder, you'll get our digital Protein Cookbook with 20+ delicious protein recipes created by Lacey Baier for FREE. Click here to get it now.

Some of my favorite things this week 🙂

  • Quote Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey. -- Michael Josephson

  • Facial Moisturizing Lotion → I have historically been the worst at remembering to put sunscreen on my face, but I love how easy it is with CeraVe's face lotion. I use it every morning after my shower, and it works great. Try it here.

Featured Recipe

Healthy Chocolate Donuts

These rich and moist baked healthy chocolate donuts are a delicious choice for breakfast or snack, with NO refined sugar or dairy!

Are We Friends Yet? → Let’s connect on Instagram! Follow me on Instagram at @laceybaier and @cleanishsupps!

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© 2024 Cleanish LLC

166 Hargraves Dr Ste C-400 543, Austin, TX 78737

Cleanish Squad

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