3 Critical Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Costs

Hey, Cleanish Squad!  

When starting to eat better and improve your healthy lifestyle, the LAST thing you want to do is make it harder on yourself.

Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes that will work against you and make it even harder to make a change.

So, today, we will cover 3 of the biggest healthy eating mistakes I see people make (and, more importantly, how to avoid them!). Spoiler: I did all these, too.

Don’t miss out on Cleanish’s BIG Birthday Sale right now. For a limited time, you get 25% off the entire store plus free shipping on all orders, AND we just dropped a delicious new Chocolate Caramel Candy Bar Plant-Based Protein that is so dang good.

So let's dive straight in.

Mistake #1

You start drinking diet sodas, eat fewer calories, and start significantly eating less than your body needs.

The truth is, if you’re thinking all you need to do to lose weight is to cut out calories, you’re in for a rough, disappointing ride. Yes, it matters to eat at a calorie deficit, but not any extreme.

Cutting calories and starving yourself is unrealistic since it leads to a lifestyle where you're constantly hungry and lacking energy. Not just that - your body will change in response to getting fewer calories in your diet and will, in turn, require fewer calories to function and survive. This is how we accidentally train our metabolism to slow down, which is the exact opposite of what we want.

While you may lose some weight initially, you'll most certainly put it back on after you get tired of living that way. Not only that, but the weight you initially lose is just water weight, not body fat.

Instead, consistently pay attention to the quality of your food, and eat a diet rich in complex carbs, high-quality protein, and healthy fats. Then, add in daily movement and exercise when you’re ready. I discuss exactly what I would do to lose weight in this video.

Mistake #2

You tend to burn both ends of the candle, staying up late to get tasks done or to watch TV. Then, you wake up early to get to work. You’re always tired, wanting to snack on high-carb foods you know aren’t good for you, and drinking caffeinated drinks, just to get some energy.

Not getting enough quality sleep (at least 6 hours a night, ideally 7-8) can drastically slow your metabolism and cause your body to slow down your weight loss.

Studies have shown being tired from lack of quality sleep can cause you to eat up to 500 more calories a day than if you aren't tired. Also, your body releases hormones that make you hungry and crave sugary foods for more energy when you sleep poorly.

However, getting quality sleep will improve your metabolism, lower overall hunger levels, make you feel better, and provide more energy. I talk more about the benefits of sleep and how to get better sleep in this video.

Mistake #3

You feel like you did great yesterday with your eating and workout, so you jump on the scale, only to find out you gained two pounds.

This kind of emotional setback can be very damaging to your self-esteem and your motivation.

In reality, the number on the scale isn't the whole story.

There are SO many factors that contribute to weight loss and weight gain, including:

  • body composition

  • the foods you've eaten

  • hormonal changes

  • water retention

  • inflammation

  • gut issues

Your weight can dramatically fluctuate even during a day, so relying 100% on your weight as a measure of your progress doesn't give you an accurate assessment of how you're doing. I discuss whether it’s helpful to weigh yourself daily and share how I handle the scale in this video.

Instead, focus on how you feel, whether you’re making the right choices that align with your goals, and how you fit into your clothes to get a more accurate assessment. Yes, track your weight, but don’t obsess over it.

See you next week!

P.S. This content was taken from a portion of my 30-Day Healthy program, which is currently on sale for a limited time. So, if you’d like to take advantage of the sale and get 30 days of helpful, supportive emails along with 4 weeks of my delicious, cleanish-approved meal plans in my 5-star rated program, then click this link before the sale ends.

Cleanish Squad Q&A (Coming Up Soon)!

Have a question? Need some advice? Looking for a recommendation? I’d love to help! But, to get started, I need your help! Click here! Ask me any questions, and I’ll answer them in an upcoming newsletter!

Some of my favorite things this week 🙂 

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I find cleanish plant-based protein to be the best-tasting, smoothest protein I’ve ever tried, and I enjoy it every day. Check out our latest flavor, Chocolate Caramel Candy Bar, which tastes just like a Twix bar, but better! Buy it here.