Cleanish Squad: Healthy Eating When Traveling

4 Simple Healthy Travel Tips I Love

Hey there, Cleanish Squad!  Greetings from Florida! :) 

As I send this, I'm on a trip to Orlando with the fam to celebrate Dustin's 42nd birthday at DisneyWorld.  We also brought his mom with us to fulfill a lifetime dream of his, which is pretty neat <3 

Planning out our trip, I got to thinking how I used get so worried when traveling - that it might ruin all my progress.   

The stress of the trip, inconsistencies in foods and meal times, and lack of access to a kitchen, I feared, would turn into me giving up on my plans to eat healthy, and gaining all the weight back.

But, I've thankfully learned, enjoying travel and staying healthy is possible.  In fact, with a few simple tricks, I've found I can enjoy my trip, eat mostly healthy (cough: cleanish), and return from vacation feeling refreshed and excited about my choices. 

So, as I make my way to my magical destination, I wanted to share the tricks I use every time I travel to stay on track and enjoy my trip, too.   BTW these are also the tips I give my coaching clients when they head out on a trip.  

1. Snacks!  

Food options can be unpredictable when you're traveling so it's best to come prepared.  I like to pack a few clean-eating, high-protein, tasty snacks with me just to make sure I have a fall-back option.  Here are some more clean-eating  snack ideas

2. Prioritize Protein 

Especially when on vacation, it is so much easer to hit your carbs and fats than it is to hit your protein.  Prioritizing protein will help balance out the carbs and fats from the rest of your meals and will also keep you fuller longer. 

You might not always have access to a fridge or cooler when you travel, but if you do, yogurts, deli meats, cottage cheese, and hard-boiled eggs are great to have on hand.

If not, packing your fave protein powder, jerky, nuts, or protein bars will do the trick.

3. Drink Water

Staying hydrated is very important when traveling.  First, it will help you keep from getting dehydrated (duh!) which can cause fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, constipation, and OVEREATING.  Yep - your brain makes you feel thirsty when all it really wants is some water. 

Plus, staying hydrated keeps you feeling fuller and less snacky.  I keep a big bottle of water with me at all times when I travel - on the plane, in the car, at the hotel/airbnb, and in my bag when walking around.  

4. Pack Some Gum

I have found it super helpful to pack some sugar-free gum when I travel.  My favorite is Orbitz but any sugar-free option will do.  This helps keep me from snacking because I'm already chewing gum and it helps give me something sweet to enjoy. I might even go through a whole pack on the plane! Literally, the only time I chew gum is when I travel, and it's been a big game-changer for me.  

Hopefully, these will help provide you with a do-able tricks to keep yourself on track, but also to enjoy yourself...because, otherwise, what's the point, right?  

To that point, if you do make a few choices that don't align with your goals, all is never lost!  Just turn it around, grab some water, and start back over. 

Can't wait to learn more? Check out my helpful YouTube videos 📹 

Some of my favorite things this week 🙂

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What did you think of this week's email?  Did I miss any helpful tips of healthy travel?  Have a different fave quote to share?  What was your fave meme this week?   Hit reply, and let me know!